Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Neolithic Era And The Paleolithic Era - 2121 Words

i. The Paleolithic Era began at the beginning of human life and ended 12 thousand years ago. The era was given the nickname â€Å"The Old Stone Age† because stone was used both in tools and to make tools. One of the most important tools used by humans was the spear. Spears were made for hunting for food and protection from dangerous wildlife. During the Paleolithic Era the climate was much colder than the present. This made food limited so humans had to follow the migration of game. ii. Hunter-gatherers, also known as foragers, thrived from the beginning of human life to about 12 thousand years ago. The time period of the hunter-gathers corresponds with the Paleolithic Era. They started off in East Africa and slowly moved to Eurasia. Foragers did not farm and had no fully established homes. They lived in temporary homes that were easy to be made mobile. They migrated with animals and collected other food sources from the land. This lifestyle can be described as nomad ic. iii. Controlled fire was very important to humans during the Paleolithic Era. The first fires were started with lava or lighting at the source. Eventually humans realized rubbing two sticks together or other materials could start a fire also. Fire now allowed for cooked meat which was the number one source of protein. Also fire was used to harden wooden weapons and tools and treating animal hides. Last, fire was used for warmth and light. iv. The Neolithic Revolution began 10,000 years ago. ThisShow MoreRelatedThe Stone Age1403 Words   |  6 PagesPrehistory that Shaped Today The Stone Age was the millennium of the modern world. The Neolithic and the Paleolithic eras consists of many comparisons within entities regarding the usage of stone tools, the development of art paintings, and the differences in physical geography that has shaped the world today. The usage of stone tools began two million years ago with stone chipping. 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